Today, the parties in Viacom v. YouTube, No. 07-2103 (S.D.N.Y. filed March 13, 2007) made public redacted copies of their summary judgment motions and supporting declarations, which were originally filed under seal on March 8. The volume of materials is staggering, though not surprising in such a significant and vigorously disputed case. Whatever else one concludes about the filings, there appears to be a very thoroughly developed record here. I will be posting my reactions to the filings in the coming days, but in the meantime, here are copies of the briefs and most of the declarations (not all exhibits are included).
Viacom MSJ
Hohengarten Declaration
Ostrow Declaration
Solow Declaration
YouTube MSJ
Botha Declaration
Hurley Declaration
King Declaration
Levine Declaration
Maxcy Declaration
Reider Declaration
Rubin Declaration
Schaffer Declaration
Schapiro Declaration
Solomon Declaration
Walk Declaration